
Charity project: Losar with elders

TIBET HOUSE, NEW DELHI AND TSAM(TIBETAN STUDENT’S ASSOCIATION OF MADRAS) organised a charity project ahead of Tibetan Losar at the Tibetan Settlement in Bylakuppe, Karnataka. This initiative was coordinated by Mrs Asha Reddy, a long-term supporter of Tibet and a great Mentor of Tibetan students in Chennai. We had 12 student volunteers from TSAM and two staffs from Tibet House, Mr Tenzin Legmon and Mr Tsering Dhondup. This charity project covered 36 Elders at the Elderly Home and involved cleaning of their rooms and providing basic necessities. We hope and pray that the merits thus accumulated through charity projects like this would contribute to long life, good health and fulfilment of all the wishes of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Tibet House, New Delhi and TSAM are grateful to Tibetan Settlement Officer, Bylakuppe for their kind cooperation and for assisting in the implementation of this project.