Annual Spiritual Ecology Lecture: Eternity in a Second – The Ethics of Radical Ecological Democracy

We are delighted to invite you to the Annual Spiritual Ecology Lecture, where we will explore the profound theme of “Eternity in a Second: The Ethics of Radical Ecological Democracy.”

Event Details:

  • Date: Saturday, 20th January 2024
  • Time: 06:00 PM – 08:00 PM (IST)
  • Venue: Lecture Hall – 1, Annexe, India International Centre, New Delhi

Registration: Secure your spot by registering through the following link: Event Registration Form

This event will be live streamed on Tibet House Youtube channel @TibetHouseDelhi1965

Speaker: Mr. Ashish Kothari is a founder-member of Kalpavriksh, and active in various people’s movements. He taught at the Indian Institute of Public Administration, coordinated India’s Biodiversity Strategy & Action Plan, and served on Greenpeace Boards. He is a judge on the International Tribunal on Rights of Nature, and helps coordinate Vikalp Sangam and Global Tapestry of Alternatives. He has co-authored/edited ‘Churning the Earth’, ‘Alternative Futures’, and ‘Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary’.

Abstract: In a world ridden with crises, humanity’s biggest challenge is to find pathways of justice, peace and equality. This is not only about relations amongst humans, but also between humans and the rest of nature. We need to re-establish co-existence with other species, recognising our essential interconnectivity with the Earth. We need to find ways of meeting human needs and aspirations that respect the dignity and agency of all people, and the right of other species to thrive. There are actually thousands of initiatives doing precisely this, providing signs of hope in the midst of the darkness engulfing us. There is a pluriverse of alternatives towards a radical ecological democracy, with a foundation of common ethics and principles. The presentation will focus on this pluriverse, placing it in the context of the ecological, socio-cultural, political and economic crises that the world faces.

This lecture promises to be a thought-provoking exploration of the ethical dimensions of radical ecological democracy, inviting us to contemplate the vastness of eternity encapsulated in a fleeting moment.

We look forward to your presence at this intellectually stimulating and spiritually enriching event. Feel free to extend this invitation to others who share an interest in the intersection of spirituality, ecology, and democracy.

Film Screening and a Post Film Discussion on Tukdam: Between Worlds

This Sunday, December 17, 2023, promises a captivating evening at the Tibet House Conference Hall as it hosts the screening of “Tukdam: Between Worlds,” a creation by Finnish-Irish-American filmmaker-scholar, Donagh Coleman. Known for his accolade-laden films like “A Gear Bard’s Tale” and “Stone Pastures,” Coleman’s cinematic prowess combines with his diverse academic background for a unique viewing experience.

Coleman’s Academic Background: With degrees in Philosophy, Psychology, and Music and Media Technologies, along with an MA in Asian Studies, Donagh Coleman brings a rare blend of scholarship to his filmmaking. His works have not only garnered international acclaim but have also found a place in prestigious institutions like MoMA and the Rubin Museum of Art in New York.

The Film: “Tukdam: Between Worlds”: “Tukdam: Between Worlds” promises to be a cinematic journey beyond conventional boundaries. Coleman’s narrative skill intricately weaves cultural nuances, inviting the audience into a realm of contemplation. The film touches on universally resonant themes, ensuring a thought-provoking experience.

Event Details: Starting at 6:00 PM (Indian Time), the screening at Tibet House offers an immersive atmosphere for cinephiles and those eager for intellectual discourse.

Post-Film Discussion: Following the screening, a structured post-film discussion awaits attendees. Delving into philosophy, psychology, and cultural intersections, this dialogue offers insights into the filmmaker’s intent and the broader implications of the narrative.

Why Attend? For lovers of cinema that challenges and inspires, “Tukdam: Between Worlds” presents a unique opportunity. Coleman’s films transcend visual experiences, evolving into intellectual journeys that delve into the depths of human consciousness and cultural intersections.

In Conclusion: Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 17, and join us at Tibet House for the screening of “Tukdam: Between Worlds.” This promises to be an evening of cinematic brilliance and intellectual exploration—a celebration of cultures, philosophies, and the enchantment of cinema.


Tibet House commemorates the Anniversary of the Parinirvana of Lama Isongkhapa, with the auspicious ceremony of taking the Aspirational Bodhisattva Pledge led by Ven. Geshe Dorji Damdul, Director, Tibet House, the Cultural Centre of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, New Delhi.


Join the Ceremony Online through Webex

Webex Detail:

Meeting number: 2516 363 7925

Password: GADEN@2023


TIME: 06:00 PM – 07:30 PM (IST)


Tibet House New Delhi Scholarship Announcement for Bodhicitta Retreats 2023

Tibet House New Delhi Scholarship Announcement for Bodhicitta Retreats 2023

Tibet House, Cultural Centre of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, New Delhi proudly presents an invaluable opportunity for students residing in India. We are offering scholarships for the renowned Bodhicitta Retreats happening in September and October 2023. The retreats will be hosted at the serene Thosamling Nunnery Institute in Kangra and Tushita Meditation Centre in Dharamkot.

About the Bodhicitta Retreats:
Since 2012, this retreat series connected many people from all over the world to a greater meaning of life. It serves as a profound exploration into the deepest tenets of Buddhism, providing attendees with transformative insights into a life of fearlessness through the wisdom of emptiness, and expansive joy via the altruistic Bodhicitta.

To apply or to learn more about the scholarships and retreats, please contact via the information provided in the poster.

Dr Kaveri Gill introducing the program with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and participants in Tibet House's Nalanda Courses at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, HP, India on June 2, 2023. Photo by Tenzin Choejor

Meeting with the graduates and students of Tibet House’s Nalanda Courses

Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India – This morning, despite the continuing unseasonable cold and wet weather, His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with almost 500 students who have recently graduated from or are currently studying in the Nalanda Masters Course, the Nalanda Diploma Course or the Nalanda Diploma course offered by Tibet House, New Delhi. At present there are more than 4000 students from 98 countries enrolled in courses run by Geshé Dorji Damdul from Tibet House.

Dr Kaveri Gill introduced the students and staff of Tibet House to His Holiness and thanked him for sending them a teacher of such calibre as Geshé Dorji Damdul.

Geshé Dorji Damdul then offered three statues and a framed poster related to the Nalanda Courses to His Holiness. He expressed heartfelt respects to His Holiness, to the Sikyong, Penpa Tsering, and to Vice Chairperson of Tibet House, and former Indian Foreign Secretary, Dr Nirupama Rao.

“All of us are your students,” he told His Holiness. “We seek to learn from you. In the last century Mahatma Gandhi was the champion of non-violence—‘ahimsa’, but in the present century His Holiness, is the champion of compassion—‘karuna’.”

He paid tribute to everyone who has helped create the programmes at Tibet House and mentioned Tempa Tsering, Jetsun Pema and Doboom Rinpoché in particular. He also acknowledged that nothing would have taken place without the generous support of the Government of India’s Ministry of Culture and expressed gratitude.

“We are trying to carry forward the torch of compassion and wisdom that His Holiness has held high by promoting fundamental human values. With the help of Telo Tulku we have also recently extended activities related to the Nalanda Courses to Russian-speaking people.

“It is to our hope that universal ethics will be adopted by the United Nations. We pray that world leaders may learn from His Holiness as we aim to achieve peace, freedom and security. May the world continue to enjoy the sunlight of your leadership.”

Mr Deepesh Thakkar, Chief Coordinator of the Nalanda Courses, saluted the chief guests and explained that Tibet House had set up long, medium and short courses of six years, 14 months and one and a half months respectively, to suit their students’ needs. The first group to complete the Nalanda Masters’ six-year course have recently graduated.

Thakkar remarked that Geshé Dorji Damdul had been a guiding light. He noted that among the students there are twice as many women as men and the students’ ages range from 14 to 80 years old.

“We aim,” he asserted, “not to propagate Buddhism but to share the knowledge it vouchsafes to help as many people as possible to be happier, kinder human beings. We thank His Holiness from the bottom of our hearts and also express gratitude to the Tibetan people dedicated down the centuries to preserving the Nalanda Tradition. We pray that His Holiness live long and request that we may continue to receive teachings from him.”

His Holiness addressed the audience, smiling. “Good morning my Dharma brothers and sisters. It’s good that we have this opportunity to meet. Thank you to everyone who has worked to organize it. Having been in exile so long I’ve met so many different people on occasions like this and we have learned from each other.

“Regarding the teaching of the Buddha, Jé Tsongkhapa wrote at the end of his ‘Great Treatise on the Stages to the Path to Enlightenment’:

“Wherever the Buddha’s teaching has not spread
And wherever it has spread but has declined
May I, moved by great compassion, clearly elucidate
This treasury of excellent benefit and happiness for all.

“Places where Buddhism has not spread include Europe and so forth. In the past, people living in those countries only paid attention to their own religious traditions, but these days many are taking an interest in other traditions, particularly the spiritual traditions of India.

“The essence of the Nalanda Tradition is not ritual and prayer but being able to transform the mind. We set up Tibet House so people could learn more about it. Tibet was not always Buddhist, but became so in the 7th and 8th centuries when our kings took an interest. King Songtsen Gampo commissioned a new Tibetan script modelled on the Devanagari alphabet. Consequently, when Shantarakshita came to the Land of Snow at the invitation of King Trisong Detsen, he was able to recommend that Indian Buddhist literature be translated into Tibetan. The result is the Kangyur and Tengyur collections.

“King Trisong Detsen also organized a debate between Kamalashila, who was Shantarakshita’s student, and representatives of the Hvashang Chinese monks. He judged that Kamalashila was able to provide extensive explanations of what the Buddha taught, whereas the Chinese monks were largely focussed on meditation.

“Shantarakshita and Kamalashila established an approach to study and training that involved developing understanding by reading and listening, deepening that understanding through reflection, using reason and logic, and acquiring experience of it in meditation.

“In due course, the great monasteries of Sera, Ganden, Drepung and Tashi Lhunpo became centres of learning where monks studied the great treatises and then used logic to explore what they had learned in debate. Buddhism flourishes in several countries today, but only Tibetan Buddhism presents a comprehensive explanation of what the Buddha taught. Moreover, when scientists want to learn more about what Buddhism has to say about the workings of the mind, they take an interest in the Tibetan tradition.

“It’s because we rely on reason and logic that we have been able to contribute something to the welfare of the world in the context of secular ethics.”

His Holiness mentioned how keen he is to encourage inter-religious harmony. He acknowledged that different spiritual traditions may adopt quite different philosophical positions, but what they all have in common is an emphasis on cultivating a good heart. He noted that India is an exemplary nation where all the world’s major religious traditions flourish side by side. He reiterated what had already been said about the Nalanda Courses being much less about people becoming Buddhist and much more about their being able to enrich their own practice and faith with what they are able to learn from the Nalanda Tradition.

Although Tibet House representatives had requested that His Holiness give an oral transmission of Jé Tsongkhapa’s ‘Three Principal Aspects of the Path’, he announced that on this occasion he would prefer to give the transmission of Jé Rinpoché’s ‘In Praise of Dependent Arising’. He quoted a verse towards the end of this work in which Tsongkhapa expresses his intention:

Becoming ordained in the way of the Buddha
by not being lax in study of his words,
and by yoga practice of great resolve,
this monk devotes himself to that great purveyor of truth. 53

His Holiness revealed that he too feels great gratitude and devotion to the Buddha because it is by relying on his teaching that he has been able to cultivate the aspiring mind of bodhichitta and an understanding of emptiness.

“Even as a child,” he added, “I had a propensity not to simply accept what I was told. I felt a need to question and investigate it. As someone with the name Dalai Lama I can’t make use of conventional weapons, but I can argue. And I can use my intelligence to investigate the teaching of the Buddha and explain it to others. Questioning and investigating are at the heart of the Nalanda Tradition.

“I received the transmission and explanation of ‘In Praise of Dependent Arising’ from the Khunu Lama Rigzin Tenpa.

“Dependent arising defines the Buddha’s teaching,” His Holiness declared. “Of the two syllables of the Tibetan term for this, ‘ten-jung’, the first means dependent and the second, arising. This gives us an insight into reality. Everything is dependent. Nothing is independent. Things arise in dependence on other factors. Since nothing is independent, everything comes about through dependent relationships.”

His Holiness drew attention to two early verses that praise the Buddha:

This teaching is not seen in the works of others,
the title of Teacher, therefore, is yours alone.
Given to others it is but the hollow flattery
of a fox being hailed as a lion. 7

Greatest of teachers! Greatest protector!
Speaker supreme!
Guide supreme!
I bow to the teacher of dependent arising! 8

“We are all followers of Buddha Shakyamuni,” he proclaimed, “and the best way to repay his kindness is to cultivate the altruistic mind of bodhichitta and an understanding of emptiness. This is what I do, and because of these practices I feel at ease.”

His Holiness answered several questions from the audience, who were then gathered in groups to have their photographs taken with him.

Originally published on


“Bodhicitta Retreat” held at Root Institute, Bodhgaya


All teachings videos for the “Bodhicitta Retreat” held at the Root Institute, Bodhgaya are now available to watch on the official YouTube channel of Tibet House, Cultural Centre of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, New Delhi.

Please visit – for the full video playlist
Subscribe to our channel for future teaching videos.
This 7-day residential retreat was organised by Root Institute, Bodhgaya from November 06 – 13, 2022 led by Ven. Geshe Dorji Damdul, Director of Tibet House New Delhi.

Conference on Quantum Physics and Buddhist Philosophy on the Ontological Reality

conference on Quantum Physics and Buddhist Philosophy on the Ontological reality.
We are honoured to have Ven. Prof. Geshe Ngawang Samten la, Vice Chancellor, Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarnath, Varanasi as Chief Guest and Guest of Honor Prof. Sumit Kumar Mishra Principal Scientist, CSIR National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.
Our Key note speaker Prof. Sisir Roy, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore addressed the gathering from Quantum Physics Perspective.

20th November 2022

Youtube Video link:


His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Give Teaching on Chandrakirti’s “Entering the Middle Way” and “Autocommentary”

Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give a two-day teaching on Chandrakirti’s Entering the Middle Way in conjunction with the Autocommentary at the request of a group of Southeast Asians at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamshala, HP, India on September 15-16, 2022. Webcasts also available in TibetanChineseVietnameseHindiKoreanJapaneseSpanishFrenchGermanRussianItalianPortugueseNepaliLadakhi, Thai, Indonesian and Mongolian.

All times Indian Standard Time (IST=GMT+5:30)

September 15th: 8:30am – 10:00am IST
September 16th: 8:30am – 10:00am IST

For times in your area 8:30am IST on September 15th in Dharamsala, India is the same as 4:00am BST on September 15th in London, UK; and 8:00pm PDT on September 14th in Los Angeles, California, USA. Other times can be found using Time Zone Converter (

“Entering the Middle Way” text downloads:
EnglishTibetanChineseHindiRussianVietnameseJapaneseGermanSpanishKoreanItalianPortugueseIndonesian and Nepali

“Autocommentary” text downloads: