Nalanda Masters Course (FAQs)
Q1) In which language teachings will be given for this course?
The teachings will be given in English for all the subjects.
Q2) What is the duration of the course?
The course teachings will be from the first week of Oct 2022 to the second week of Dec 2027.
Q3) Who can apply and is there any qualification criteria?
Anyone who genuinely wants to study, understand and apply these concepts in their life, from the rich Nalanda legacy is eligible and welcome to join. One should have willingness and commitment to learn and put effort in learning. For Tibet house team to give admission to NMC2, the applicants should have successfully registered for any of the previous Tibet House Nalanda Courses namely – NMC, NDC1, NDC2, NDC3 or NCC1.
Q4) Will Live streaming of teachings be available?
There will be live streaming of the classes for this course and also the audio & video recordings will also be made available.
Q5) How soon the audio and video Recordings will be made available?
Tibet House, Delhi will make every attempt to make audio/video recordings available within 3 working days after teaching session has taken place.
Q6) What is the difference between Video Recordings and Live-streams?
The live-streams are unedited and with a lower video resolution. The video recordings are edited and have better resolution.
The live-streams are available during and immediately after the class, while the video recordings are available once Tibet House IT team are done with the editing.
Q7) Can Tibet House Delhi provide residential/hostel facilities for the course participants?
Tibet House Delhi will not be able to provide any residential/ hostel facilities for the course participants.
Q8) What is the fees and are any further discounts available?
- The fees for the course per year will be as follows:
For non-monastics and non-students:
Registration Fees : Rs 600
Course Fees : Rs 5400
Total : Rs 6000
For Monastics and students (in recognized schools, colleges and universities):
Registration Fees : Rs 150
Course Fees : Rs 1350
Total : Rs 1500
For participants of previous NMC, NDC1, NDC2, NDC3 and NCC1:
Registration Fees : Rs 300
Course Fees : Rs 2700
Total : Rs 3000
Participants have to pay every year or they can pay in advance for future years.
Q9) How many hours do I need to commit?
On an average about 5 hours per week of teachings are expected to be given. If someone has time and inclination, they can give more time based on additional optional reading recommendations.
Q10) When will the course begin?
The expected date for the start of teachings is 02-Oct-2022.
Q11) When will the course end?
The expected date for the end of teachings is 9-Dec-2027.
Q12) Are there any meditation commitments required on behalf of the participants?
There are no commitments for meditation required for this course but participants are encouraged to meditate more regularly. After all the true meaning of meditation is familiarization with what is wholesome, so that we traverse the path to become happier and also help others in becoming happier beings.
Q13) How much is the Course Material fees?
The course material, would be on a cost basis only, which will be very nominal and highly subsidized. Tibet House ships course material world wide. The exact amount will be communicated via email when the course material is distributed.
Q14) Is there a next batch of Nalanda Masters Course (NMC) planned?
Yes, hopefully there will be third batch of Nalanda Certificate Course (NMC) but the launch of the third batch has not been planned as of now but when it gets finalized, it will be announced by Tibet House, Delhi.
Q15) What will the teaching schedule like?
The teaching sessions will follow these general guidelines:
1) One sessions every Sunday afternoon.
2) One session in the Thursday evening.
Please note the above may change due to the availability of the teacher and other resources that are required.
Q16) Is the online portal only to submit quizzes?
No, the online portal will also be used by Tibet House to make announcements relevant to this Course. This portal will also allow participants to interact with other via Discussion Forums which can be very useful to clarify doubts. Plus there are many other useful features in the portal.
Q17) Is there possibility to make online payments?
Yes, we accept payments only via online means. Once your application will be approved, we will send the link for payment.
Q18) Is it possible to choose individual subjects from Nalanda Masters Course (NMC2) and just attend those subjects?
No, this is not possible, since there are some concepts and teachings which are taught earlier which enable participants to understand teachings for the later topics easily.
Q19) What type of questions are asked in the online quizzes? Is there minimum that one needs to score?
The questions asked will be objective questions which have multiple choice answers. Yes, participants need to score 40% or above to qualify for obtaining the certificate.
Q20) What if someone does not submit the quizzes before the expected deadlines?
The online quizzes would be a major criterion, which will be used to award the certificate/diploma.
Q21) What if I miss the online class?
You can catch up with the class either via live-streams (they are available after the class also) or via audio/video recordings (available after 3 working days).
We do not record any attendance for any class as these courses are designed for one’s own benefit so we will leave it to an individual. So its perfectly fine for anyone to catch up with the classes based on one’s time availability.
Q22) What topics will be taught in this batch?
Please visit NMC page (https://tibethouse.in/nmc/) on the Tibet House website for details on the topics.