Course Fees
- The fees for the course per year will be as follows:
For non-monastics and non-students:
Administrative Fees : Rs 600
Course Fees : Rs 5400
Total : Rs 6000
For Monastics and students (in recognized schools, colleges and universities):
Administrative Fees : Rs 150
Course Fees : Rs 1350
Total : Rs 1500
For participants of previous NMC, NDC1, NDC2, NDC3 and NCC1:
Administrative Fees : Rs 300
Course Fees : Rs 2700
Total : Rs 3000
Besides the above, course material will be provided to participants, which will be charged on a cost-to-cost basis. The course material may include some published books, transcripts from previous teachings, handouts or specially compiled material for this course.
The above fees are highly subsidized due to the assistance from the Ministry of Culture, Government of India. This allows as many people as possible to avail of the benefits of this course, without regard to their financial means.
How to Pay
Applicants pay via online payment gateway. Tibet House has tied up with CCAvenue for payments. The links for payments are available on the Tibet House website