Video message for the Nalanda Diploma Course applicants from the Director, Tibet House, New Delhi
Online Registration
The registration will open from 02 September 2024 at 10 AM IST and will remain open until 31st October 2024 at 10 PM IST.
For the NDC5 (English Speaking) registration form – Click Here
For more details about NDC5 with Russian interpretation (Для получения более подробной информации о NDC5 с переводом на русский язык – нажмите здесь) – Click Here (нажмите здесь)
For more details about NDC5 with French interpretation (Pour plus de détails sur NDC5 avec interprétation simultanée en français) – Click Here (Cliquez ici)
For more details about NDC5 with Hindi interpretation (हिंदी अनुवाद के साथ एनडीसी5 के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए) – Click Here (यहाँ क्लिक करें)
For any queries please email nalandacourses@tibethouse.in
Nalanda Diploma Course - Details and FAQs
Introduction of Nalanda Diploma Course Batch 5
There is a genuine need in the modern world to introduce, in a systematic and comprehensive way, various Buddhist subjects studied and practiced in the tradition of Nalanda and Tibetan monastic universities. Keeping in line with that sophisticated tradition and after the successful completion of four batches, the fifth batch of the Nalanda Diploma Course (NDC5) is now being offered.
This course is being offered to participants who wish to acquire knowledge of various Buddhist subjects in order to deepen their understanding and Dharma practice.
The study and knowledge of Buddhism is extremely vast and profound. In the monastic tradition, it routinely takes a few decades to properly study all the subjects and undertake this journey. This is a wonderful and rare opportunity to commit oneself to such a course, even while being a layperson. This course is designed specifically to accommodate people who are more seriously interested in Buddhist philosophy, while being in the midst of busy lives in cities and towns, with other engagements and commitments.