Video message for the Nalanda Diploma Course applicants from the Director, Tibet House, New Delhi
Online Registration
The registration will open from 02 September 2024 at 10 AM IST and will remain open until 31st October 2024 at 10 PM IST.
For the NDC5 (English Speaking) registration form – Click Here
For more details about NDC5 with Russian interpretation (Для получения более подробной информации о NDC5 с переводом на русский язык – нажмите здесь) – Click Here (нажмите здесь)
For more details about NDC5 with French interpretation (Pour plus de détails sur NDC5 avec interprétation simultanée en français) – Click Here (Cliquez ici)
For more details about NDC5 with Hindi interpretation (हिंदी अनुवाद के साथ एनडीसी5 के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए) – Click Here (यहाँ क्लिक करें)
For any queries please email nalandacourses@tibethouse.in
Nalanda Diploma Course - Details and FAQs
Q1) In which language teachings will be given for this course?
The teachings will be given in English for all subjects. Simultaneous translation in Russian will also be available, thanks to Save Tibet Foundation, Moscow.
Q2) What is difference between the regular and the online mode?
The regular mode allows participants to attend classes at Tibet House, Delhi. In the Online Mode, participants will have access to teachings via the audio/video recordings. The participants of the regular mode can join group discussions as well as the online portal forums while the online participants can have discussions via the online portal forums. Due to the pandemic, currently the plan is to have only online teachings and at some stage regular classes will resume at Tibet House.
Q3) Who can apply?
Anyone who genuinely wants to study and understand Buddhism is eligible. One should have willingness and commitment to learn and put effort in learning.
Q4) Will the teaching sessions be live streamed?
Yes, live streaming will be available for this course. Audio and video recordings will also be uploaded on the education portal.
Q5) How soon are the audio, video recordings?
Tibet House, Delhi will make every attempt for the audio, video recordings to be available within maximum 3 working days after the teaching session has taken place.
Q6) Can Tibet House Delhi provide residential/hostel facilities for the course participants?
Tibet House Delhi will not be able to provide any residential/ hostel facilities for the course participants.
Q7) How can one avail discount for monastics or students?
Monastics have to submit a declaration that they are monastics and along with the name of their Abbott from whom they received their vows and avail the 75% discount.
An applicant for this course if is currently a student of a recognized schools, colleges or universities, then can avail 75% discount on the course fees. One has to submit a copy of the valid photo ID card along with admission details (like a letter from your institute stating you are admitted with them).
Q8) How many hours do I need to commit?
On an average about 20 hours per month of teachings are expected to be given. If someone has time and inclination, they can give more time based on additional optional reading recommendations.
Q9) When will the course begin?
The expected date for the start of teachings is 04-Oct-2024.
Q10) When will the course end?
The expected planned date for the end of teachings is 12-Dec-2025.
Q11) I plan to do this course in Online mode but if I am visiting Delhi, can I attend classes at Tibet House Delhi?
Yes, absolutely, if regular classes have resumed at Tibet House.
Q12) I plan to do this course in Regular mode but if I am unable to attend classes at Tibet House Delhi, can I access the Audio/Video Recordings?
Yes, absolutely. It is strongly recommended that one tries to listen to the missed class before attending the next class.
Q13) Are there any meditation commitments required on behalf of participants?
There are no commitments for meditation required for this course but participants are encouraged to meditate more regularly. After all the true meaning of meditation is familiarization with what is wholesome, so that we traverse the path to become happiest and also help others in becoming happiest beings.
Q14) Does one have to pay one year course fees in advance at the time of registration and application submission?
Yes, registration and course fees (INR 1250 for Monastics/Students, INR 2500 for NMC1/NMC2/NDC1/NDC2/NDC3/NDC4/NCC1/NCC2 participants and INR 5000 for all other applicants) needs to be up front.
Q15) How much is the Course Material fees?
The course material, would be on a cost basis only, which will be very nominal. The exact amount will be communicated when the course material is distributed.
Q16) Is there next batch of Nalanda Diploma Course planned?
Yes, hopefully there will be a fifth batch of Nalanda Diploma course. Once it gets finalized, it will be announced by Tibet House, Delhi.
Q17) What will the teaching schedule like?
Please see Tibet House Website using the following link : Home Page of Nalanda Diploma Course to see the Tentative Schedule. Please note that the schedule published is tentative and may change.
Q18) Is the online portal only to submit the quizzes?
No, the online portal will also be used by Tibet House to make announcements relevant to this course. Course material, recordings, transcripts etc are also available via the portal. This portal will also allow participants to interact with other via Discussion Forums which can be very useful to clarify doubts.
Q19) Is there possibility to make payments via online means?
Yes, in fact that in the only way, we accept online payments as we can reconcile payments faster and more accurately. After one fills the registration form, instructions will be sent via email on how to make the payment.
Q20) Is it possible to choose individual subjects from Nalanda Diploma Course and just attend those subjects?
No, this is not possible, since there are some concepts and teachings which are taught in the earlier subjects which enables participants to understand teachings for later subjects.
Q21) What type of questions are asked in the online quizzes? Is there minimum that one needs to score?
The questions asked would be objective questions which have multiple choice answers. Yes, participants need to score 40% in all quizzes to qualify for obtaining the diploma.
Q22) What if someone does not submit the quizzes before the expected deadlines?
The online quizzes would be a major criterion, which will be used to award the diploma.
Q23) I am only interested in Nalanda Masters Course, do I have to apply to Nalanda Diploma Course also?
Yes. The dates for Nalanda Masters Course Batch 3 are not finalized but admissions will be given only to applicants who have successfully completed any of the previous Tibet House Nalanda Courses – NMC, NDC or NCC.
Q24) What are working days for Tibet House?
Currently the working days for Tibet House team is from Mondays to Fridays (Saturday and Sundays are weekly off but classes are held on Sundays). This may be revised in future.
Q25) How does one attend a class?
Usually the classes are held at Tibet House the classes are planned to be conducted both via online and in-person mode. Tibet House currently uses Webex to conduct these online classes. All participants will have access to an online education portal which will have all the details on how to attend these classes.
Q26) What topics will be taught in this batch?
Please visit Diploma Course page on the Tibet House website for details on the topics. There are a few topics which are usually taught in the Nalanda Diploma Courses, but for this batch they will be taught along with the second batch of Nalanda Masters Course.
Q27) What is the qualification criterion for joining the next batch of Nalanda Masters Course?
One should have successfully completed any of the previous Tibet House Nalanda Courses – NMC, NDC or NCC..