Video message for the Nalanda Diploma Course applicants from the Director, Tibet House, New Delhi
Online Registration
The registration will open from 02 September 2024 at 10 AM IST and will remain open until 31st October 2024 at 10 PM IST.
For the NDC5 (English Speaking) registration form – Click Here
For more details about NDC5 with Russian interpretation (Для получения более подробной информации о NDC5 с переводом на русский язык – нажмите здесь) – Click Here (нажмите здесь)
For more details about NDC5 with French interpretation (Pour plus de détails sur NDC5 avec interprétation simultanée en français) – Click Here (Cliquez ici)
For more details about NDC5 with Hindi interpretation (हिंदी अनुवाद के साथ एनडीसी5 के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए) – Click Here (यहाँ क्लिक करें)
For any queries please email nalandacourses@tibethouse.in
Nalanda Diploma Course - Details and FAQs
Teaching Format of Nalanda Diploma Course
Classes will be held at Tibet House, Delhi. All teachings will be imparted in English language, with important Tibetan terms explained as and when required during the teachings. The teaching sessions will usually be on Sundays & Fridays. Please note this may change depending on the availability of the teacher and other resources that are required.
Question and answer sessions will be held towards the end of each class. Group discussions will be held on a weekly basis.
Each participant who has duly completed the registration process for this course will be provided access to the online education portal on an individual basis. The links to the online classes, audio, video recordings and live stream links of each class will be made available on the education portal This online education portal will be central in terms of participants accessing the links to the online classes, recordings, teaching calendar, course material and handouts for the course, online group discussions and keeping in touch with course announcements and other participants.
The whole course will be divided into three semesters and at the end of each semester there will be an online quiz. Participants will be required to take these quizzes via the education portal. These quizzes will be a wonderful way to check one’s learning. Please also note that submission of these quizzes would be a major criterion for participants to receive the diploma, completion certificate for this course and admission to any future batch of the Nalanda Masters Course.