Online Registration
The registration will open from 02 September 2024 at 10 AM IST and will remain open until 31st October 2024 at 10 PM IST.
For the NDC5 (English Speaking) registration form – Click Here
For more details about NDC5 with Russian interpretation (Для получения более подробной информации о NDC5 с переводом на русский язык – нажмите здесь) – Click Here (нажмите здесь)
For more details about NDC5 with French interpretation (Pour plus de détails sur NDC5 avec interprétation simultanée en français) – Click Here (Cliquez ici)
For more details about NDC5 with Hindi interpretation (हिंदी अनुवाद के साथ एनडीसी5 के बारे में अधिक जानकारी के लिए) – Click Here (यहाँ क्लिक करें)
For any queries please email nalandacourses@tibethouse.in
Nalanda Diploma Course - Details and FAQs
Testimonials from Participants of the Nalanda Courses

Being a monastic who is unable to participate in the Monastery’s full time intensive study of the Buddhist philosophy, the Nalanda Masters course was the perfect opportunity for me.
Geshe Dorji Damdul la is a skilful teacher who is able to make difficult concepts easy to understand, through interesting anecdotes and if necessary, repeated explanations with great patience. Being fluent and having strong command in both Tibetan and English languages, Geshe la is able to explain and convey accurately, meanings of the nuances found in many difficult passages in the texts.
After joining the course, participants like me have benefited greatly in terms of finally having the opportunity to study some of the precious texts composed by the Nalanda Indian and Tibetan masters and be inspired by the vastness, depth and profundity of the knowledge they possessed.
Gyalten Rabten, Buddhist monk from Singapore

Being in Israel, I was never presented with the opportunity of studying Buddhist philosophy and practice in a systematic way.
For me, this course is no less than life changing. My perspective towards life and relationships is becoming wider. I am much less prone to anxiety and depression due to difficult circumstances, and I am able to assist the people around me in ways I was not able to before (and also, out of selfishness, didn’t think that I should).
If possible, talk to someone who did this course with Geshe La. Ask questions. I believe you will feel the soundness of the teachings and the teacher, and if you have affinity for this kind of teachings, your worries will be mostly dispelled.
Ben, from Israel, Computer Science M.Sc. with many years of experience in the computer software industry.

It has been a wonderful journey since joining the course. Venerable Geshe Dorji Damdul la, the primary teacher of Nalanda courses, guides us along the vast plethora of Buddha’s teachings with his inimitable blend of patience, expertise of the subject matter, and an interactive style of delivery. This enables the middle-aged, “modern-educated”, professional, city-folks like us to access Dharma in a standardized, gradual way which is conducive to intellectual enquiry Another good point to mention about the Nalanda Courses is the flexibility and elasticity of the program. Due to constraints of time we had as full time professionals, and as parents of two young kids, we could not have followed consistently a strict and time-consuming program
We have noticed a significant reduction of stress and mental noise in our minds over past few years due to teachings and practices we learnt through Nalanda Courses. Nalanda Courses come as close to “monastics-like” detailed study of Buddhist philosophy as we could possibly get while maintaining a professional and family life.
Mr Lokesh (IIT Bombay and MBA at IUJ, Japan. with 25 years of experience in IT, Investment Banking) and Mrs Rimpi Jindal (an MBA entrepreneur based in Gurugram, India), working parents of two growing boys

I found the course curriculum to be thoughtfully designed. Geshe Dorji Damdul, Director of Tibet House, is a highly qualified, very engaging teacher who delivers his lessons in helpful, interactive ways. He holds our attention in class for a remarkable two hours without a break, twice weekly, and he welcomes expressions of doubt from students, which he addresses swiftly. I have personally benefited enormously from these classes, growing steadily in confidence and conviction as our lessons advanced.
I would recommend such a course, if you wish to hear the teachings of the Buddha in its most authentic and profound ways. Like for everything else we do in life, there has to be a commitment to stay the course, and this comes only with joyful perseverance